Essential Guide to Customs, Culture and Etiquette

Books That Will Help You Overcome The Cultural Shock 

Integrating into the Canadian Culture is very important for you as a newcomer. Learning about Canada and how people do things in Canada before you move can help you big time in meeting new people faster, find a job faster, overcome feeling of frustration and anxiety of operating in a foreign country, and knowing what is appropriate and what is not.

Newcomers come to Canada equipped with information from the government more than the Canadians themselves , older immigrants or even if you have relatives there. People move on with their normal life after they pass their integration, so learn as much as you can by buying and reading these books and by following integrating instructions given to you by  CIC.

Canada - Culture Smart!: the essential guide to customs and culture (Paperback)


Culture Wise Canada is essential reading for anyone planning to visit Canada, whether for business or pleasure, for a few days holiday or to start a new life. It is guaranteed to help newcomers avoid cultural and social gaffes; make friends and influence people; and enhance their understanding of Canada and the Canadian people

Culture Shock! Canada: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette (Paperback

A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette in Canada

The author explains why it is such a desirable place to live (e.g., geographic beauty, social programs) while objectively addressing some of the less positive features, such as the division between French and English Canada as well as the historical and contemporary difficulties of the Native peoples. There is excellent coverage of Canadian arts but no mention of the sport of curling (where Canada is traditionally dominant on the world scale) in the chapter on leisure. Curious, too, is the fact that all of the political leaders listed are members of the Liberal Party. Full-color photos appear throughout, and the maps are current and easy to read. A time line compares developments in Canada to events taking place in the rest of the world. This worthwhile addition stands equally well with Kristi Desaulniers's Canada (Chelsea, 2003) and Eric Braun's Canada in Pictures (Lerner, 2003). - Robyn Walker, Elgin Court Public School, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada 

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Citizenship Immigration Canada

Citizenship Immigration Canada